The AgriFoRwArdS students ‘escaped’ from their normal routine last week by taking part in the first AgriFoRwArdS Escape Room. The aim of the event was to promote student wellbeing, and to create a feeling of belonging through healthy competition and teamwork.
The masterminds behind the escape room were Horia Maior, a Lecturer from the School of Computer Science at the University of Lincoln, and Garry Clawson Student Rep for the School of Computer Science at the University of Lincoln. The AgriFoRwArdS team then supported Horia, who oversaw the virtual event on Monday 16th November. Students worked together in teams to beat the clock on this exciting computer science themed challenge, where 8 sets of puzzles were interwoven into a virtual room environment.
Feedback included that ‘It was a good cohort building activity’ and it was ‘the right level of being challenging and competitive, whilst being fun and casual’
Student wellbeing is something that is of great importance to the AgriFoRwArdS team, and Horia Maior is a kindred spirit in this area.
Events like the Wellbeing Escape Room act as platforms where students can work together or individually, meet new people, socialize and generally spend some quality time before embarking on their program together. We have designed a range of student engagement activities in the past to support students who have worked on cool projects and want to showcase their work (SoCS student showcase:, or get into teams and solve some fun problems (Cybersecurity Challenge and Game Jams: These events turned out very beneficial for the students, as it gave a way to break the ice and a low threshold for participation while keeping things interesting. They also allowed people to show different skills as they all weren’t focused on one particular skill set. The next activity we have planned is the UK IEPC Problem Solving Contest ( which will take place on the 12th December. This is going to be really fun and rounds off a great start of engagement activities that help students make new friends, build confidence and explore wider interests.
Horia Alexandru Maior (Lecturer in Computer Science) and Garry Clawson (Computer Science Student Rep)
Prizes were awarded at the end of the event, with the overall winners bagging themselves some gift vouchers – and the glory!
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